How Technology & Partnerships can Drive Inclusion & Sustainability


    Mar 27, 2023

    Launched in 2019 and aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, TECH4ALL is Huawei’s long-term initiative and action plan that aims to promote digital inclusion and sustainability through technology and partnerships.

    Launched at Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2023, Huawei’s TECH4ALL Digital Inclusion publication comprises articles and insights from global experts and TECH4ALL partners on projects, technologies, and strategies designed to achieve sustainability and inclusion outcomes.

    TLDR: Download the TECH4ALL Digital Inclusion special publication.

    Not TLDR: Check out the summary of the articles below:


    Enabling a More Inclusive and Digital World”

    Huawei’s Rotating Chairman Ken Hu introduces the thinking behind TECH4ALL and the key role tech and partnerships play in enabling sustainability and inclusion.

    DYK, 2.9 million of the world’s population had no Internet coverage as of 2019?

    The Key Elements of Achieving Universal Digital Inclusion”

    The World Economic Forum‘s Derek O’Hallaran explains how working together can help us achieve an inclusive & sustainable future and help achieve the UN SDGs


    🌐🎓African Union: “Digital Inclusion: The Key to Unlocking Digital Potential in the African Union”

    How can the digital potential of Africa be realized? The African Union explains why it’s focusing on six key sectors to drive inclusive growth and sustainable development.

    🎓 UNESCO: “Developing Teachers’ Skills for Digital Learning and Education in the Caribbean”

    The pandemic forced many schools in the Caribbean to quickly transition to online education when they were not ready to. Now, UNESCO is at the forefront of training teachers blended learning and online teaching approaches to ensure learning never stops.

    🌐🎓 ECTA: “Strategies and Initiatives for Addressing Three Levels of Digital Divide in the EU”

    ECTA Director General Luc Hindryckx examines the strategies and initiatives in place in the EU to expand digital skills, close the digital divide, and promote competition in the telecoms sector.

    Technology in Focus

    🌲 Rainforest Connection: “Scaling Up Biodiversity Monitoring with AI and Cloud”

    Scalable, smart, and a force for nature, the Arbimon system developed by TECH4ALL partner Rainforest Connection shares how cloud and AI analytics is completely transforming our ability to identify species, understand ecosystems, and guide biodiversity protection.

    🌲 Porini Foundation: “Blockchain’s Untapped Potential in Nature Conservation

    In a pilot project in Switzerland, TECH4ALL partner Porini Foundation, supported by IUCN and Huawei, has innovated a solution based on blockchain to measure the impact of biodiversity action on species optimize the carbon credit industry .

    💊 Huawei: “How AI-powered Drug Design Is Enabling New Super Antibiotics

    Medicines are getting less effective but companies aren’t incentivized to develop new ones because the chance of success is 10%, doing so requires US$1-3 billion in investment, and 10-15 years of R&D is needed.

    Now that’s changing thanks to Huawei Cloud’s Pangu drug molecule model.

    DYK, no new antibiotics have been developed for 40 years?

    🎓🌲 Huawei: “How Open Source MindSpore Promotes Inclusive AI”

    The open source AI platform MindSpore helps developers channel their knowledge into solutions for social issues and really make a difference in areas that are dearest to their hearts.

    This article describes three use cases of MindSpore that have achieved meaningful benefits in the areas of biodiversity protection, sign-language translation, and revitalizing a local economy.

    🌲☀️ 💰 China Electric Power: “A Solar Oasis Breathes Life into a Desert”

    China’s Kubuqi Desert covers more than 20,000 sq. km and used to be known as the ‘sea of death’. But it’s not now. Solar power and electricity generation on a huge scale is transforming a once barren expanse into a fertile landscape, driving the local economy and changing lives.

    DYK, this project holds the Guinness World Record for the world’s largest solar panel image?

    Case Studies

    🌐🎓 GIFEC: “Connecting the Unconnected: The Untold Story of Expanding Digital Inclusion in Ghana’s Rural Communities

    When it comes to inclusion, connectivity is key. GIFEC explains how Huawei’s RuralStar is connecting rural areas and how initiatives like Girls-in-ICT are unlocking an inclusive, digital future.

    🌐🎓💊 💰 Huawei: “Universal Service Obligation: Connecting Thailand’s Remote and Rural Villages to the Digital World

    19,652 villages & counting…Rural communities are often the last to get Internet access, but in Thailand the nationwide USO program is unlocking eHealth, eEducation, and eCommerce for rural villages.

    🌐🎓 Ministry of Education, Kenya: “A Case Study of Kenya: ICT Integration in Basic Education”

    How do you give kids the best start in the digital world? In Kenya, the answer is government vision, committed partners and the technology to connect and enable DigiSchools.

    🎓 WeTechCare: “DigiTruck France: At the Heart of Digital Inclusion in Cities

    WeTechCare explains how DigiTruck France is providing free training for unemployed youth and elderly people in priority districts in French cities.

    DYK, 35% of French people face at least one type of challenge using digital tools and the Internet?

    🎓 INCoDe.2030: “Smart about Digital Empowerment

    Kids need to know how to stay safe online and the Huawei SmartBus is helping to make that happen.

    TECH4ALL partner INCoDe.2030 examines how this project and others are providing the necessary digital skills for people to thrive in Portugal’s digital society.

    🌲 BJFF: “How a Tech Giant and Small Fishing Village Are Saving a Species from Extinction”

    In 2023, up to 1 million Pacific salmon will swarm Norway’s rivers. This invasive species could wipe out native Atlantic salmon for good.

    This article shares how an unlikely partnership, some innovative thinking and a smart solution are offering an endangered species a lifeline.

    🌲Etica en Los Bosques: Breaking the Silence: Chile’s Guardians Deliver the Message of the Forest

    TECH4LL partner Etica en Los Bosques explains how audio-monitoring can yield data-driven insights for studying protecting endangered species, like Chile’s Darwin’s fox, and ecosystems.

    DYK, fewer than 1,000 Darwin’s foxes remain in existence?

    Learn more about Huawei TECH4ALL.

    Disclaimer: Any views and/or opinions expressed in this post by individual authors or contributors are their personal views and/or opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views and/or opinions of Huawei Technologies.


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