Harnessing the Power of Sound & AI to Track Global Biodiversity Framework Targets


    Sep 25, 2023

    Rainforest Connection (RFCx) and the RFCx Arbimon team have recently unveiled an enlightening white paper titled Harnessing the Power of Sound and AI to Track Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) Targets.

    This comprehensive report showcases the potential of acoustic and AI technology to monitor biodiversity and aligns real-world case studies with specific GBF targets.

    The importance of biodiverse ecosystems

    Biodiverse ecosystems are critical to maintaining the health of our planet, providing numerous essential ecosystem services that underpin human well-being and the global economy. However, we are facing a biodiversity loss crisis, with thousands of species facing extinction due to large-scale land conversion, deforestation, and climate change. To counteract this crisis, the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) outlines a series of ambitious, yet necessary, targets for preserving and restoring biodiversity worldwide. Achieving these targets will require effective monitoring and assessment tools that can harness the power of advanced technologies.

    Acoustic monitoring and AI

    Incorporating AI into passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of ecosystems, species, and the impacts of environmental changes. By utilizing PAM and AI, researchers can gather systematic and up-to-date data on the presence, distribution, and behavior of a wide range of species, from birds and mammals to insects and frogs. This innovative approach is a non-invasive, cost-effective, and scalable solution for monitoring biodiversity tracking progress towards GBF targets, and supporting evidence-based conservation efforts. Ecoacoustics can also be combined with additional technologies, such as camera-trapping, eDNA, and remote sensing, to build a comprehensive understanding of biodiversity patterns and trends.

    Image source: Rainforest Connection

    Case Studies

    The PAM and AI approach offers a reliable, scalable, and comprehensive means of quantitatively informing GBF indicators and tracking progress towards each of the targets. In line with GBF target 2, RFCx is involved in a project to assess and monitor biodiversity in Atlantic Forest restoration areas. Our results demonstrate the positive effects of restoration on biodiversity, with restored sites able to host a similar number of species as protected forests. Another collaborative project evaluated the impact of forest certification on bird communities, highlighting the potential of certified forests to sustain biodiversity and livelihoods (GBF target 10).

    RFCx is partnering with Huawei Mexico and other partners to monitor biodiversity in Dzilam State Reserve, Mexico, using camera-trapping and acoustic monitoring, ensuring effective conservation and management of protected areas (GBF target 3). RFCx is also working on projects related to particular species. We are monitoring the critically endangered mangrove finch in the Galápagos to help maintain the population (GBF target 4). RFCx has also established a real-time detection pipeline to monitor the spread of invasive grey squirrels in the UK (GBF target 6).

    RFCx’s approach is deeply collaborative; we aim to empower local organizations and communities to use technology in the stewarding of their lands (GBF targets 20 & 21). We work with indigenous communities such as the Tembé in Brazil to combine acoustic technology with their traditional knowledge and land management. By harnessing acoustic and AI technology, we can make significant strides toward the protection and preservation of our natural world. Furthermore, Huawei’s support has led to the deployment of RFCx’s innovative threat detection system across five protected areas in Palawan, Philippines to combat illegal logging in real-time. In just two years, this system has achieved remarkable results, with over 2,330 chainsaw alerts generated and numerous success stories of rangers apprehending illegal loggers.

    Key takeaways

    The GBF outlines ambitious targets for preserving and restoring biodiversity worldwide. Achieving these targets requires effective monitoring and assessment tools. The PAM and AI pipeline is a reliable, scalable, and comprehensive way of quantitatively informing the adopted GBF indicators and tracking progress towards the GBF targets. RFCx and Arbimon are pioneering these efforts in collaboration with Huawei and other partners, demonstrating the potential of acoustic technology for global biodiversity conservation and GBF target achievement. By leveraging this technology, we can make meaningful progress towards the protection and preservation of our natural world.

    We encourage you to explore the full white paper and read more about how PAM and AI can be leveraged for biodiversity monitoring and conservation action. Moreover, you can read more about 11 case studies from our collaborative work across the globe, that showcase the diverse applications of ecoacoustics and align them with specific GBF targets.

    About the author

    Carly Batist, Science Outreach Coordinator, Rainforest Connection

    Carly is the Science Outreach Coordinator at Rainforest Connection (RFCx), a non-profit that builds and deploys scalable, open acoustic monitoring systems that can halt illegal logging and poaching and can enable biodiversity measurement and monitoring. RFCx also hosts Arbimon, a cloud-based analytical tool for visualizing, analyzing, and interpreting bioacoustic data.

    Disclaimer: Any views and/or opinions expressed in this post by individual authors or contributors are their personal views and/or opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views and/or opinions of Huawei Technologies.


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