5.5G Explained


    Dec 13, 2023

    Q&A highlights

    1. How do 5.5G and 5G-Advanced differ? (0.04 - 0.49)

    "Huawei's concept for 5.5G goes beyond just mobile, we're also including 5.5G as part of our broader technology picture, including optical networks and our IP networks."

    2. How will 5G-Advanced address latency and congestion?
    (0.50 - 1.27)

    "5G-Advanced is going to open up whole new bands of frequency that the operators can use to bring more bandwidth to those traffic hotspots."

    3. What are the key benefits of 5.5G/5G-Advanced?
    (1.29 - 2.09) 

    "Things like Extra Large Antenna Arrays are going to drive down energy consumption."

    4. Can we expect a 5.5G/5G-Advanced "killer app" to emerge in industry scenarios?
    (2.12 - 2.56)

    "It's really AGVs that have been the thing to drive requirements for the high reliability 5.5G can give us."

    5. How about connected cars?
    (3.00 - 3.49)

    "The connectivity enabled by 5.5G/5G-Advanced is going to increase efficiency and mean less fuel consumption."

    6. On the consumer side, what can we expect from 5.5G? (3.54 - 5.22)

    "I don't see a single app...but I do see that augmented reality or AR glasses will be the killer device."

    7. What incentives do operators have to invest in 5.5G? (5.25 - 6.14)

    "When they start running into hotspots that are being saturated on their 5G networks, this is when they'll upgrade to 5.5G."

    Learn more about 5.5G here.

    Disclaimer: Any views and/or opinions expressed in this post by individual authors or contributors are their personal views and/or opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views and/or opinions of Huawei Technologies.


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