MWC Barcelona 2024: GSMA GLOMO Award Roundup


    Mar 22, 2024

    The GSMA GLOMO awards runs each year at MWC Barcelona and honors the “best of the best in the mobile ecosystem and beyond.” Decided by 200 independent judges, 30 awards are up for grabs in six categories.

    Huawei took home 7 GLOMOs at this year’s MWC. What were they and why did we win? 

    Huawei and BJFF: "Outstanding Mobile Contribution to the UN SDGs"

    The project: AI-powered salmon conservation project, Norway

    Fish are directed through a river-spanning tunnel that features an AI-powered gate and underwater camera system

    What it does: Filters out an invasive species, the humpback salmon, which threatens the survival of Norway's native wild Atlantic salmon. (The population of the native salmon has halved since the 1980s as a result of the invader.)

    How it works: The solution identifies humpback salmon and filters them into a holding tank, preventing them from proceeding upstream to spawn.

    The gate opens to let Atlantic salmon through and stays closed to filter out the invasive species

    What the judges said: "Excellent and scalable idea – the application of self-powered AI and mobile tech to accurately solve a problem, with great execution and impressive results."

    Read more: Saving Norway's Endangered Atlantic Salmon

    Huawei and Ufone: "Best Mobile Innovation for Emerging Markets" 

    The project: World's First Microwave SuperHub  

    What it does:
    Enhances the spectral efficiency of microwave spectrum.

    How it works: SuperHub allows microwave spectrum to be reused across multiple links with a separation as low as 15 degrees, improving spectrum utilization and substantially increasing link capacity.

    What Ufone said: "Having achieved excellent results, we believe that this innovative solution will help Ufone 4G release more capacity from existing spectrum resources to meet the exponential increase in mobile backhaul demand triggered by the data explosion our industry is embracing."

    — Jafar Khalid, Chief Technology and Information Officer, Ufone Pakistan.

    China Unicom and Huawei: "Best Mobile Operator Service for Connected Consumers"

    The service: 5G Livestreaming 

    The partners receive the GLOMO at MWC Barcelona 2024

    What it does: Enables users to enjoy an uninterrupted HD livestreaming experience, and showcases how operators can monetize 5G uplink bandwidth.

    How it works: Network data analytics and slicing technologies provide ultra-high uplink speeds of 150-200 Mbps, with Huawei SmartCare providing differentiated experience assurance services for video services. The service also profiles live streaming users using a converged data platform, identifying potential customers in seconds and enabling real-time promos by China Unicom Guangdong.

    What we said: "We will continue to use innovative solutions and services to deliver premium user experience. This will drive operators' digital intelligence operations transformation, enable revenue growth and differentiated experience from innovative digital services, and enable customers' business success."

    — Zhou Xiaohua, President, Service and Software Solution & Marketing Dept., Huawei.

    Huawei: "Best Mobile Network Infrastructure"

    The solution: Huawei Green Antenna Series

    Eric Zhao, Vice President and CMO of Huawei Wireless Solution receives the GLOMO

    What it does:
    Enables operators worldwide to simplify 5G construction, maximize energy efficiency and connection performance, and support future network evolution.

    How it works: The Eco Antenna, Hertz Antenna, BladeAAU antennas, and X2 Antenna feature tech and process innovations that help reduce network energy consumption and cut deployment costs.

    • Our proprietary SDIF and Meta Lens tech reduce energy loss and raise network performance, improving antenna efficiency by >25%.
    • FreSIP and folding array technologies boost antenna module integration, requiring fewer network equipment boxes in towers.
    • Laser welding manufacturing technology lessens environmental impact by not using water and eliminating air pollution during antenna manufacture.

    Results so far: 250,000 Huawei green antennas deployed in 75 countries offset around 90,000 tons of CO2 emissions, equivalent to 65 million square meters of forest. 

    What we said: "By improving antenna energy efficiency and device integration, Huawei green antennas can improve energy saving, network coverage and user experience. Huawei is happy to work with our industry partners to develop and apply green antennas in more frequency bands and application scenarios."

    — Sun Youwei, President, Huawei Antenna Business Unit.

    State Grid, China Unicom, Huawei & TD Tech: "Best Private Network Solution"

    The solution: 5G Smart Grid

    What it does:  Enables power grids to become smart grids with 5G.

    How it works:

    • E2E deterministic slicing gives electric power services exclusive access to public network resources.
    • Reduced Capability (RedCap) ensures wide coverage of secure and cost-effective 5G connections for all power-grid services through simplified 5G deployment.

    What China Unicom said: "We will continue to build 5G private network PLUS to provide high quality services for electric power and other sectors as we look to bring better 5G connections to enterprises and society at large."

    Si Shuguo, Vice President of Enterprise Businesses for China Unicom Shandong

    Huawei: "Best Mobile Technology Breakthrough"

    The breakthrough: 0 Bit 0 Watt 

    What it does:
    Enables operators to build energy-efficient networks that deliver a premium user experience (and represents the first time a network energy-saving solution has won this award).

    How it works: 

    • RF equipment consumes less than 10 watts of power during zero-load hours through a switch-off depth level of 99%, automatically waking up in seconds to handle user service requests. This is the first solution to support these capabilities.
    • Unique innovations in power amplifiers and antennas achieve end-to-end high energy efficiency in other load conditions.
    • Intelligent technology improves resource and power scheduling at the network and site levels, so networks can identify service types and scenarios and allocate and schedule network resources accordingly, thus optimizing energy distribution.
    • Sites sense load changes to network equipment and adjust between power feeding and storage towards maximum efficiency at the site level.
    What we said: "Huawei's '0 Bit 0 Watt' solution combines material, component, and algorithm innovations to help operators deploy new 5G bands to improve experience without incurring extra energy consumption. It is an ideal choice for operators focusing on green growth."

    Yu Yang, President, Huawei's SingleRAN Product Line.

    Huawei: "Best Network Software Breakthrough"

    The solution:
    RAN Digital Twin System (RDTS)

    What it does:
    Enables wireless autonomous driving networks and provides a solid foundation for autonomous network (AN) L4 of intelligent wireless solutions.

    How it works: The system constructs a full twin for RAN environments and network dynamic mechanism models, enabling wireless networks to implement millisecond-level sensing, accurate trend predictions, and multi-objective decision-making. 

    What we said: "Huawei will continue to work with industry partners to develop industry standards and build consensus in intelligent architecture, applications, and Communication Large Models, etc., to expand the industry space. Huawei is committed to customer-driven technical innovations that will help operators advance towards a new phase of digital intelligence."

    Ma Hongbo, President of Huawei's Wireless MAE Product Line.

    Disclaimer: Any views and/or opinions expressed in this post by individual authors or contributors are their personal views and/or opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views and/or opinions of Huawei Technologies.


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