August News Roundup


    Sep 12, 2024

    The News Roundup series brings you Huawei’s main monthly news in brief. So, what’s been making headlines in August?

    Click the link for previous news roundups and visit The Newsroom for these stories in full and more.

    Aug 30: Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison and Huawei Consolidate Large-Scale PS Core for Hundreds of Millions of Indonesian Users

    Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison (IOH) and Huawei completed a large core network consolidation project in Jakarta, Indonesia.

    Delivered in just 14 months, the project covers more than 100 million users and is the first of its kind in the world.

    Leveraging leading telco cloud-native technology, the partners commercialized the bare metal container and dual-engine container solutions. These support the large-scale commercial use of 5G core networks, with the dual-engine container enabling Indosat to seamlessly introduce containers through capacity expansion and slash service rollout time and TTM.

    The project has significantly improved the network experience of Indosat's users across Indonesia, especially those living in rural and remote areas. 

    • Residents of Kalimantan will enjoy a faster average downlink speed of 15% and a reduced average round trip time (RTT) of 11% for Facebook usage. 
    • Residents of Central Java are already experiencing a 3.4%-better performance for online games and 7.2% for live videos.

    Aug 28: Huawei Announces All-New HUAWEI TruSense System that Will Power Upcoming Wearables

    The HUAWEI TruSense System brings accurate, science-based health & fitness tech to users:

    • Measures 60 health and fitness indicators
    • Covers 6 of the body's major systems
    • Monitors heart rate and autonomic nervous system data, with an algorithm assessing emotional well-being and stress levels

    To overcome challenges that skin tone, wrist size, and weather conditions create for sensors, Huawei invested heavily in optical, electrical, and material science research. This ensures the long-term accuracy of vital signs monitoring, and delivers faster results. Authoritative industry bodies have certified the accuracy of the system's basic indicators such as heart rate, SpO2, and blood pressure. 

    According to IDC, in the first quarter of 2024, Huawei ranked #1 in the world in terms of on-the-wrist wearables shipped, and has been the leading wearable brand in the Chinese market for five consecutive years.

    Learn more about Huawei's consumer products.

    Aug 16: Huawei DCS Named a Leading VMware vSphere Alternative by DCIG

    The Data Center Intelligence Group (DCIG) has listed Huawei DCS in its 2024-25 DCIG TOP 5 Enterprise VMware vSphere Alternatives Global Edition Report.

    The Huawei DCS showed leading advantages in:

    • Weight & elasticity: supports elastic expansion as an enterprise grows, starting with as few as two nodes
    • High performance: shortens network forwarding paths between VM nodes thanks to advanced hardware passthrough technology
    • High availability: ensures high system availability and near-zero downtime for recovery and failover by applying multiple replication technologies
    • Full stack management platform: offers centralized resource management and control, streamlining configuration and fault location.
    Learn more about the Huawei DCS.

    Disclaimer: Any views and/or opinions expressed in this post by individual authors or contributors are their personal views and/or opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views and/or opinions of Huawei Technologies.


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