MWC2022 Barcelona: Lighting Up the Green Future
If you missed us at MWC22 Barcelona, this series of blog posts has you covered. Under the theme Lighting Up the Future, Huawei presented three major areas at this year’s Mobile World Congress.
- Lighting up the Connected Future
- Lighting up the Green Future
- Lighting up the Digital Future
In this post, I look at Lighting Up the Green Future, covering green ICT, green networks, green operations, green Huawei, and TECH4ALL.

Green ICT
Climate change is a global problem and the international community needs to work together to address it and slow down the trend of global warming. In the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has proposed Goal 12 “Responsible Development and Production” and Goal 13 “Climate Action,” which aim to effectively manage natural resources and achieve sustainable development.
The rapid growth of the ICT industry, technologies, and digital transformation have exacerbated carbon emissions. To reduce global warming and achieve UNDP targets as soon as possible, the ICT industry is pursuing green development in four areas: reducing carbon emissions, promoting a circular economy, increasing the usage of renewable energy, and protecting nature using a science-based approach. It is estimated by GeSi that the carbon emissions of the ICT industry will account for 2% of the global total by 2030. At the same time, digital technologies can enable other industries to reduce carbon emissions by at least 10x more than what the ICT industry produces itself (up to 20% of global carbon emissions).
As a leading global ICT infrastructure and smart device provider, Huawei is committed to building a green ICT industry and lighting a green future for society through continuous technological innovation in the field of green development. Huawei has developed a unified carbon emission indicator system with Informa Tech, the Network Carbon Intensity Index (NCI), to measure network carbon emissions against data traffic and quantify progress, aligned with the more bits, less Watts strategy. Huawei has built and released an integrated green development solution to help carriers reduce carbon emissions based on:
- Management of energy consumption.
- Applies the carbon emission indicator system and combined two sub-solutions: network operations and user operations. The network operations solution is based on Autonomous Driving Networks (ADN) technology, enabling carriers to implement automated O&M and greatly improve energy efficiency based on service changes. The user operation solution helps carriers migrate users to 5G networks, meets users’ requirements for big data traffic, and ensures stable network carbon emissions.
In 2019, Huawei launched its digital inclusion initiative TECH4ALL, underpinned by the social value enabled by ICT. Through initiatives like TECH4ALL, Huawei aims to advance and support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) advocated by the United Nations.
In the past few years, Huawei has cooperated with global partners, including UN organizations, NGOs, research institutes, governments, carriers, and enterprise customers across four domains: Education, Environment, Health, and Development. Environmental projects include:
- Protecting Wildlife in Greece with a Shield of Sound: networked acoustics devices called Guardians detect gunshots and alert ranger to stop poachers who, in particular, target the Balkan chamois.
- A Protective Umbrella for Biodiversity in Chile: Guardians are studying the Darwin’s fox to improve conservation outcomes – fewer than 1,000 of the elusive fox remain.
- Turning the Tide against Threats to Ocean Life: smart technology deployed off Ireland’s south coasts studies the populations and movement patterns of whales, porpoises, and dolphins.
- Nature Guardians: Battling Biodiversity Loss in Austria’s Wetlands: The Guardian system is studying local wildlife to deliver insights into how biodiversity loss due to a shrinking reed belt can be avoided.
- Protecting an Oasis of Biodiversity in Italy: Guardians are protecting three sites in Italy from poachers, illegal loggers, and more.
Disclaimer: Any views and/or opinions expressed in this post by individual authors or contributors are their personal views and/or opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views and/or opinions of Huawei Technologies.
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